Breakfast/ Desserts/ Sugar Free/ Vegan/ Vegetarian

Coconut Kheer

During these uncertain times, food is something that has brought a sense of normalcy and comfort in my home. Food is also something that can connect us all. I’ve been trying to remake and reimagine dishes from my childhood, and what my Mom would cook, in a way that is easy enough for me, while at the same time putting my own spin on things. This dish came together because I had some cooked white rice in the fridge and didn’t know what to do with it. Here’s how I made it into this delicious coconut kheer dessert.


Coconut Kheer

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Dessert Pakistani, Indian
Serves: 2-3
Prep Time: 10 Minutes Cooking Time: 10 Minutes Total Time: 20 Minutes

This recipe is so simple you won’t believe it. Tradtional kheer is made by simmering rice in full fat milk until it is cooked. Then it is sweetened and flavored with cardamom powder and then it is usually garnished with nuts and raisins.


  • 1 cup of cooked rice
  • 1 can of @traderjoes coconut cream
  • 1/4 cup of sweetened shredded coconut
  • 1/4 cup of pistachios unsalted
  • 3 tablespoons of honey roasted sliced almondss
  • 1-2 teaspoons of ground cardamom
  • 1 pinch of saffron



Start by heating a medium-size pot on low heat and add your entire can of coconut milk and rice.


Stir for a few minutes, making sure all the rice is broken down and all the pieces are coated. You can use a hand blender at this point to break the rice down more if you’d like.


Keep the heat on low. Add coconut flakes and cardamom and continue to stir.


Once the milk starts to come slightly to a boil, add in your pistachios, almonds and saffron and cook for another five minutes, or until the coconut milk has reduced to half. 


I did not add any sugar to this dish, but if you feel you’d like to have more sweetness you can add 2 tablespoons of sugar, coconut sugar, honey, or agave.


Once you feel your dish is at your desired consistency, serve warm or you can also leave it in the fridge for a couple of hours and serve it as a cold dish.

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